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Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Robert is a writer and poet. He manages the poetry group DiVerse.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Circle of 5ths

C Major
Leading from the middle
better step wise
as un-abandoned self ownership.

G Major
but missing
the spot.

D Major
Reverberating distance
sadder than most
creating what follows.

A Major
A march, processional
mountains and streams
a happy ending plucked
from the heart of its core.

E Major
Circumstantially proud
driving destinies along their path
seldom heard in the dark.

B Major
Military movements
battle scars
and exploding stars.

F# Major
A pianists nightmare
crippling debilitating anger
close your eyes, hope for the best.

Bb minor
Mother of destruction
of pain and dread
even Gershwin said.

F minor
Deep, dirty
growling from the earth
in sympathy
behind the touch of others.

C minor
good for the death of Lieutenants
and icy winter landscapes.

G minor
Lost in how it feels
pouring through my skin
the notes of missing desire.

D minor
After death
for grieving hard and fast
for saying goodbye.


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